Monday, October 19, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

MA DOR has finally posted a "MA 6.25% tax collection schedule" up to $2.00 of tax, which matches my first page. But if you sell something over $32.07 I guess they figure you can get the schedule here!
MA 6.25% SALES TAX TABLES - 8-1-09>
Note there are 4 separate pages below. Click on each to print
Be sure to SHRINK TO FIT before printing.

MA 6.25% SALES TAX TABLES - 8-1-09>

Thursday, July 23, 2009

MA Sales Tax links

MA Sales and Use Tax Laws MA DOR
MA 2009 Local Optional Sales Tax
Sales and Use Tax/Room Occupancy Excise

2009-15 Bulletin LOCAL OPTION EXCISES pdf

TIR 09-13; Local Option Sales Tax 7-23-09.pdf

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Gov. Patrick approves budget with sales tax hike
To print, be sure to change you settings to "SHRINK TO FIT"

Peter B. Plumb, CPA

Please let us know any Mass Sales Tax questions or any other business related questions.

MA 6.25% SALES TAX TABLES - 8-1-09>